☎ +237672683443 / +237695956270


☎ +237672683443 +237695956270

Evaluating The Feasibility And Acceptibility Of Long-Acting Prexposure Prophylaxis In Key Populations In Cameroon

Cameroon is amongst the countries with the greatest burden of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Key population continue to have a disproportionately higher burden of HIV

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a prevention option for people at substantially higher risk for HIV infection, including key populations. The Cameroon national HIV strategic plan recommends PrEP as part of HIV prevention package for key populations. To achieve and maintain life-long HIV prevention under the PrEP strategy, good uptake and consistent adherence over time is required. The aim of this project is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of long acting injectables (LAI) as a PrEP option in key populations in Cameroon. HIV seroconversion rate of the key population on oral PrEP will also be assessed.